Database on Arctic Doctoral and Post-doctoral Projects on Law


Database on Arctic Doctoral and Post-doctoral Projects on Law


ProjectRecognition of access to and enjoyment of cultural heritage as a collective cultural right of indigenous peoples in the framework of international law. A case study on the rights of the reindeer herding Izhma Komi people.

This research analyses the challenges faced by the Izhma Komi people concerning access to and enjoyment of cultural heritage as their human right and determines to what extent the law provides effective protection. This research examines how the law, both international and Russian law, is implemented into the practice of everyday life.

Keywordsindigenous rights, cultural heritage, reality of law, Russian North
RegionsArctic region
Start year2018
End year 
ContactKarolina Sikora
PositionResearcher/PhD Candidate
OrganizationArctic Centre
DepartmentFaculty of Law, University of Lapland
CountryFinland, Russia
Added19.8.2022 17.18.31